
  • To download/extract the files from here you need a password to UNZIP files.
  • All „CUSTOMER.xxxx“ files are in XMIT format FB/80 and zipped.
  • The RRE component of RA2002 will not work without a supplied special key. This key must be requested each time you change your CPU.


All RA/xxx software products work under ESA 2.8 up to z/OS 2.1x.


Programs/ISPxLIB/SAMPLIB etc. are packaged in TSO XMIT format and compressed in ZIP format.
You must have a program on your PC/MAC that can process these zip files.

  • Download name.ZIP file to PC/MAC
  • Extract name file from name.ZIP file on PC/MAC
  • Upload name file to the HOST using the binary file transfer method (no CRLF or ASCII translation) and that the HOST dataset created is LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3120,RECFM=FB,DSORG=PS
  • Receive the name file on the HOST
    • Issue command: TSO RECEIVE INDATASET(name)
    • When prompted by the message "INMR906A Enter restore parameters or 'DELETE' or 'END' +":
    DA(your library name) UNIT(unit) VOLUME(volume)

    Note: The UNIT() and VOLUME() operands are optional

    or perform a RECEIVE in batch mode:
    Pasted Graphic